If you asked my wife, she'd tell you my mood fluctuates up and down with my writing . If the words flow easily, I'm up. On a day when the right words escape me, I'm down. The same can be said about acceptances or rejections, and good reviews or the inevitable (but thankfully rare) bad review.
Then there's contests. Let's be honest--there's a certain arbitrariness about book contests. Tastes in book are
Tag Archives: Why I write
Why do I write?
I recently did an interview where a book blogger asked the following question:
“What’s the reason for your life? Have you figured out your reason for being here yet?”
I’ve done a number of interviews before, both in my prior life as a technologist and in my current role as an author. Some questions are professional. What do you think of a certain technology trend? What's your
The man in the arena
Okay. I’ve been meaning to post this but have been cowed for fear it would be taken poorly by critics. I think it’s time.
We, as authors, work hard in isolation. Very few will have significant success. For some, their fondest dream is that a handful of people will read their work and be moved by it, be changed in some way. Whatever our aspirations, no one but close friends and family
On Backpacking and New Beginnings